Source code for satellite.modules.kickstart

This module generate the kickstart file for virtual machine

[docs]def kick_gen(vm_name, passwd, location, repo): """Generate kickstart file :param vm_name: Name of virtual machine :param passwd: Password of virtual machine :param location: Location of operating system :param repo: List of repo needed to add in virtual machine :returns: location of kickstart file """ with open("/tmp/ks.cfg", "w+") as ks: ks.write("install \n" "keyboard 'us' \n" "rootpw --plaintext " + passwd + "\nlang en_US \n" "firewall --enabled \n" "reboot \n" "timezone Asia/Kolkata --isUtc \n" "graphical \n" "url --url=\"" + location + "\" \nauth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512 \n" "user --name=" + vm_name + " --groups=wheel --plaintext --password=" + vm_name + " \n" "firstboot --disable \n" "selinux --enforcing \n" "bootloader --location=mbr \n" "clearpart --all --initlabel\n" "part /boot --fstype=\"ext4\" --size=1024 \n" "part swap --fstype=\"swap\" --size=2048 \n" "part / --fstype=\"ext4\" --grow --size=1 \n" "%post \n" "hostnamectl set-hostname " + vm_name + " \n" "systemctl restart sshd \n" "systemctl enable sshd \n" ) for name, baseurl in repo.items(): ks.write("echo -e '[" + name + "] \\nname=" + name + " \\nbaseurl=" + baseurl + " \\ngpgcheck=0 \\nenabled=1' >/etc/yum.repos.d/" + name + ".repo \n") ks.write("%end \n") return "/tmp/ks.cfg"