
System Requirements

  • 64-bit Architecture
  • A minimum of 250GB storage and 4GB memory
  • Developed and tested on Fedora 27


  • All system should have Libvirt API installed for virtual machine provisioning.
# dnf install qemu-kvm qemu-img virt-manager libvirt libvirt-python libvirt-client virt-install -y
  • All compute resources should have Docker installed for running Docker containers. To install Docker on Fedora follow
  • Server should have Docker machine installed.
# curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` >/tmp/docker-machine && sudo install /tmp/docker-machine /usr/local/bin/docker-machine
  • Server should have SSH public key or it can be generated using SSH keygen.
# ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -q -P ""


From Docker

To containerize Minisat, first clone the Github Minisat repository using and go to directory Minisat

# git clone
# cd Minisat

Build docker image using

# docker build -t minisat:latest .

After building the image now run the image using

# docker container run -it -p 8000:8000 minisat:latest

Head to http://localhost:8000 for Minisat

From Source code

Minisat uses Django web framework which can be installed in Python 3 virtual environment. To create Python 3 virtual environment

# python3 -m venv <environment_name>

After that we need to activate the virtual environment by executing

# source <environment_name>/bin/activate

Now clone the Github Minisat repository from

# git clone

Minisat requires some Python modules like Django (version 2.0). We can install them by executing

# pip install -r requirements.txt

Django ORM is used to create database.

# python makemigrations

Above command will create a Python script which will contain all SQL queries that we need to create the schema of database. The migration files are stored at .../satellite/migrations/.

# python migrate

It will create a database and execute the SQL queries in Python script. Minisat, uses SQLite database to store values.

Now our environment is ready to run Minisat server. To start server

# python runserver

By default, Django server is running at http://localhost:8000.

If you encounter below error

# Error: That port is already in use.

Try changing the port number while running the server

# python runserver <port_number>